Perception of Spoken English (POSE) Test    

Credits and Copyright Information

All materials and items, images, and text related to the Perception of Spoken English (POSE) Test are protected by copyright. While most of the current material has been developed by the author of the POSE Test, Justin R. Shewell, credit should be given to the following people:

  • Dr. Lynn E. Henrichsen: co-author of Pronuncation Matters (, his help was invaluable in the original design and pilot stages of the POSE Test. Many of the images currently used in the POSE Test come from Pronuncation Matters (© Lynn Henrichsen). The remaining images were drawn by Dr. Henrichsen as well.
  • Amber Pauga and Brent Green: some of the items in the Intonation section of the POSE Test were included in an unpublished version of a similar test developed by these two people at Brigham Young University-Hawaii Campus.

Perception of Spoken English (POSE) Test


Credits and Copyright Information

All materials and items, images, and text related to the Perception of Spoken English (POSE) Test are protected by copyright. While most of the current material has been developed by the author of the POSE Test, Justin R. Shewell, credit should be given to the following people:

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